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We are on a mission

As the Academy for Climate Action we have already supported a large number of organisations in consulting and training programmes on their path to climate neutrality. But we are not satisfied with that. We want to put more than just a few selected organisations on the path to climate neutrality. Ultimately, all companies must be reached and given the opportunity to become sustainable! In order to maximise our impact, we rely on rapid knowledge transfer rather than lengthy consulting processes. Many of the solutions needed to tackle the climate crisis already exist – what is missing is knowledge and the expertise to implement this in companies. This is where we come in: we train and develop multipliers and courageous change-makers so that they can then bring about real change.

Our goal

We want to make our long-standing, well-founded and constantly updated knowledge accessible to all companies and organisations. We firmly believe that the democratisation of knowledge is essential in order to achieve the climate and sustainability transition together. With our approach, we want to enable every organisation to design its own individual path to climate neutrality and thus make it part of a resilient and future-proof corporate world.

Our history

What happens when you bring a management consultant and a climate activist together? This is exactly how our story began. Many years ago the company founders Marion and Joe came to the conclusion through numerous joint discussions and projects that more was needed in the area of climate protection for companies. It was clear to us that things needed to happen faster, especially in the business world. After all, organisations are a key element in overcoming the climate crisis. At the same time, they are often still a long way from the right path and the right measures.

We initially founded the ‘project_ORCA’ association together with two fellow campaigners. ORCA stands for Organisation for Rapid Climate Action. It was in this non-profit organisation that the idea for the Climate Protection Academy was born and grew, so to speak. So that it can continue to grow and flourish, we – Marion and Joe – have transferred it to our joint company, ORCA Evolution OG, and are constantly expanding it.

Because of this history, it was important for us to keep the Orca, which has become the mascot of the Academy, in the company name. Over time, we have learnt that there are some amazing parallels between our approach and the behaviour of these extraordinary animals:

Orcas are social and intelligent creatures. Like us at the Academy, Orcas make common cause with allies and like-minded people. As a group, they relentlessly pursue a common goal and develop creative new strategies in the process. That’s how we feel about achieving the climate goals: no one and no organisation, no matter how large, can do it alone. But if we work together and all contribute our respective superpowers, then we can achieve something significant!

Amazing parallels between the behaviour of the Orcas and our work as a academy for climate action:

Uniqueness: Each team member contributes individual strengths.


Social structure: bonds are cultivated, new members are welcomed.


Intelligence and empathy: all our decisions are based on this combination.


Open mindedness: new ideas and global perspectives are accepted and integrated.


Building on these principles, we at the Academy for Climate Action also want to make big waves and help bring about real change.

Do you need long-term support, professional input?

Or would you like to discuss specific issues? Contact us today for a no-obligation initial consultation.


ORCA Evolution OG

Spittelauer Lände 45

1090 Vienna


T: +43 680 1748332
